GPG Albania

From our Albania office, Global Partners Governance is implementing parliamentary strengthening work funded by the Swiss Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The Support to Parliament and Civil Society (PACEP II) project aims to solidify the national oversight ecosystem, as part of a broader effort to support Albania’s democratic development and integration into the European Union.

Political fragmentation and the limited capacity of both Parliament and civil society are major challenges to oversight and transparency in Albania. Because of this, the project seeks to promote institutional collaboration and public accountability through a two-fold framework:

  1. By supporting the Assembly of the Republic of Albania to perform its oversight functions more effectively
  2. By improving cooperation between the Assembly, independent oversight institutions, and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) for policy development and advocacy

The project will run for a four-year period, from June 2024 to April 2028.

You may find a full description of the project in English here or read it in Albanian.

Our updates

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For other inquiries about PACEP II, please contact

Past calls

Call for Applications for Civil Society Organizations: Capacity Building in Parliamentary Oversight

Global Partners Governance is inviting Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Albania to express their interest in participating in a 16-month capacity building programme on parliamentary oversight under the PACEP II project. The aim of the programme is to increase CSOs’ understanding of the legislative and oversight processes in Albania, improve their capacities in producing analytical and advocacy work that contributes to these processes, as well as to support the creation of networks for increased impact.

PACEP II – Call for Applications for CSOs on Oversight Capacity Building

Statement of Interest and Commitment Template

Tendering Call 1: Supporting the Albanian Assembly to strengthen its oversight capabilities 

Global Partners Governance announces the organisation of a tender with the subject “Supporting the Albanian Assembly to strengthen its oversight capabilities”, within the framework of the project “Support for the Assembly and the Project for Citizen Education (PACEP) 7F-09576 Phase 2, 2024-2028”, a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implemented by Global Partners Governance (GPG). 

Tendering Call 1 – Terms of Reference (ToR), describing the technical work required under this engagement, and the list of documents required for the application

Tendering Call 1 – Financial Offer Template, to be completed and submitted by the tenderers

By submitting a tender, you consent to Global Partners Governance storing and processing your personal data, if applicable, in accordance with Law no. 9887, dated 10.03.2008, “On Personal Data Protection.” 

Tendering Call 2: Supporting select Independent Institutions to strengthen reporting procedures, outreach, oversight documents, and other components of their interactions with the Assembly 

Global Partners Governance, announces the organisation of a tender with the subject “Supporting select Independent Institutions to strengthen reporting procedures, outreach, oversight documents, and other components of their interactions with the Assembly”, within the framework of the project “Support for the Assembly and the Project for Citizen Education (PACEP) 7F-09576 Phase 2, 2024-2028”, a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implemented by Global Partners Governance (GPG). 

Tendering Call 2 – Terms of Reference (ToR), describing the technical work required under this engagement, and the list of documents required for the application

Tendering Call 2 – Financial Offer Template, to be completed and submitted by the tenderers

By submitting a tender, you consent to Global Partners Governance storing and processing your personal data, if applicable, in accordance with Law no. 9887, dated 10.03.2008, “On Personal Data Protection.”

Tendering Call 3: Supporting Civil Society Organizations in Engaging with Parliamentary Oversight and Independent Institutions

Global Partners Governance announces the organisation of a tender with the subject “Supporting Civil Society Organizations in Engaging with Parliamentary Oversight and Independent Institutions”, within the framework of the project “Support for the Assembly and the Project for Citizen Education (PACEP) 7F-09576 Phase 2, 2024-2028”, a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implemented by Global Partners Governance (GPG). 

Tendering Call 3 – Terms of Reference (ToR), describing the technical work required under this engagement, and the list of documents required for the application

Tendering Call 3 – Financial Offer Template, to be completed and submitted by the tenderers

By submitting a tender, you consent to Global Partners Governance storing and processing your personal data, if applicable, in accordance with Law no. 9887, dated 10.03.2008, “On Personal Data Protection.” 

Tendering Call 4 – IT Services for the Design and Development of the Inter-institutional Monitoring Platform of the Albanian Assembly

Global Partners Governance announces the organisation of a tender with the subject “IT Services for the Design and Development of the Inter-institutional Monitoring Platform of the Albanian Assembly”, within the framework of the project “Support for the Assembly and the Project for Citizen Education (PACEP) 7F-09576 Phase 2, 2024-2028”, a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implemented by Global Partners Governance (GPG). 

Tendering Call 4 – Terms of Reference (ToR), describing the technical work required under this engagement, and the list of documents required for the application

Tendering Call 4 – Financial Offer Template, to be completed and submitted by the tenderers

By submitting a tender, you consent to Global Partners Governance storing and processing your personal data, if applicable, in accordance with Law no. 9887, dated 10.03.2008, “On Personal Data Protection.” 

Tendering Call 5: Supporting Gender Mainstreaming and Equality in Parliamentary Oversight and Civil Society Engagement 

Global Partners Governance announces the organization of a tender with subject “Supporting Gender Mainstreaming and Equality in Parliamentary Oversight and Civil Society Engagement”, within the framework of the project “Support for the Assembly and the Project for Citizen Education (PACEP) 7F-09576 Phase 2, 2024-2028”, a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) implemented by Global Partners Governance (GPG). 

Tendering Call 5 – Terms of Reference (ToR), describing the technical work required under this engagement, and the list of documents required for the application

Tendering Call 5 – Financial Offer Template, to be completed and submitted by the tenderers

By submitting a tender, you consent to Global Partners Governance storing and processing your personal data, if applicable, in accordance with Law no. 9887, dated 10.03.2008, “On Personal Data Protection.”