GPG newsletter
June 2022


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Seven questions on Post Legislative Scrutiny

Post-Legislative Scrutiny (PLS) is the process through which Parliament reviews and evaluates the efficiency and impact of a law after it comes into practice. This work is usually conducted by committees, who may then recommend to amend the law or the way it is implemented. In this blog, we answer seven questions on the purpose, principles, and best practice for Post-Legislative Scrutiny.

Parliamentary Elections a Victory for Women in Politics?

This blog comes from GPG’s Associate Moataz Ghaddar, who has been supporting us on our project for Women’s Political Representation in Lebanon. A few days after major elections in the country, he analyses some major takeaways from the poll, and what it means for Lebanese women in Politics.

If you enjoyed this read, check its author’s Associate profile:

Associate Profile Series | Moataz Ghaddar

This month’s Associate Profile interviews Moataz Ghaddar, a Lebanese researcher, trainer, and consultant who has dedicated the past few years to providing trainings in a wide range of topics relating to human rights and gender equality. He has been involved with our Lebanon work since 2020.


Team visit to Sudan discussed support for stakeholder participation in future legislative council

GPG concluded a successful visit to Khartoum this month, as the team met with various groups that will be represented in the country’s Transitional Legislative Council (TLC). The team, accompanied by GPG Associates Lord Jeremy Purvis and Lord Jonathan Oates, discussed with our participants the importance of the TLC to support the country’s transition — and the roles and remit of future Members of Parliament.

The attendants included a diverse range of Sudanese political actors, civil society representatives, women’s groups, and grassroots movements, who were encouraged to further develop their vision of their potential respective roles in Parliament.

The sessions sparked many conversations around the importance of the TLC as a core institution of transition. As the country hopes for a political settlement leading to a democratic transition on the back of which the parliament will be established—GPG will continue to work with all stakeholders to build the capacity of future members and staff to handle parliamentary work more efficiently.


A fantastic visit to Lebanon starts the new strand of our project

Our team is returning from a great eight days in Lebanon, where they visited our participants across the country and heard about what they have been achieving within their communities, such as safe spaces for children living on the streets or computer access for community centres. Some of them also were involved in the recent parliamentary elections and told us about their experiences, which provided some wonderful input for the project.

Over the weekend, we held two highly attended events on the topic of Male Allies, with a roundtable of wonderful speakers from all industries where allyship and women’s political representation were discussed. Our panel included academics, municipal council members, gender experts, a female Member of Parliament, the Governor of Baalbek, a media representative, and our international Associate Rt Hon Jacqui Smith. On the Sunday, we held our a forum for our women participants, during which they took the lead and exchanged with our local and international Associates.

We are now starting the Male Allies strand where our women participants will be joined by the men they have nominated from their communities, political parties, workplaces, and municipal councils to participate in two trainings: one will work to unpack and understand the concept of gender and how it may weigh on both men and women; the second will make them to work together on a gender-sensitive policy project. Through this work, we hope to create a platform of male allies to support our women in their political journey.

Finally, we are delighted to announce that our research paper on women’s political participant in Lebanon’s local government is ready to publish. We will be holding a launching event in the coming weeks – keep an eye on our social platforms for more details very soon!