Read the report on our recent online seminar
On Wednesday 26th May, GPG hosted an online seminar alongside the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab, Waging Peace, and the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). The event’s purpose was to launch the report summarising the findings of an essential research project we conducted on the impacts of Covid-19 on human trafficking and modern slavery in Sudan and the wider Horn of Africa region. A complete outline of the session is available on our Insight page – make sure to read it!
Find out more: you can view or download the research project’s report from our publications page, and reach out to if you have any questions.
Discover our new website
If you’re reading this, you may have noticed – GPG got a brand new website! We are very excited to share this fully refurbished platform with you. We paid close attention to the way its navigation works, as we want it to best display GPG’s global experience and the breath of our projects.
This month, discover one of our five areas of expertise:
Parliamentary innovation and engagement
The purpose of strengthening representative politics is to improve the quality of people’s lives by ensuring governance institutions – including parliaments, ministries, and political parties – design better policy, draft better legislation, and deliver better services for their citizens. Rather than treating these tasks as separate and siloed activities, GPG’s politically agile approach allows us to operate at multiple levels of government simultaneously to ensure that each step of the ‘policy-legislation-service delivery’ path is constantly connected to the other.
Our programmes draw extensively on behavioural insights and our KAPE® (knowledge-application-practice-effect) methodology for ‘sticky change’ as a way of helping politicians manage the immediate problems and pressing daily challenges they face inside government in a way that also strengthens those political institutions in the long run.
Explore the area of expertise’s page: find out about our expert Associates for this topic, including former Deputy Chief of Staff to the Deputy Prime Minister Baroness Alison Suttie, former Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Sir Bill Jeffrey, or former Adviser to the Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly Richard Good.
Scroll down and explore our diverse case studies, ranging from adaptive support for the development of Egypt’s education policy to ensuring effective legislation to tackle human trafficking in Honduras, and a variety of projects in Africa, Europe, and the MENA region.
Finally, discover our range of related resources. You may want to look into our Guide to Parliaments series, starting with our paper on parliaments and public engagement by our Associate Aileen Walker – or try our recent collaborative publication with the Asia Foundation on principles and practices for virtual parliaments. Do take a look at our related Insight, and read a piece or two from our parliamentary response to crisis blog series.
Continued support to the Youth and Sports Committee
GPG’s Iraq team recently met with Iraq’s Youth and Sports Committee and offered political and procedural support to assist them in implementing their first inquiry on youth unemployment in Iraq. GPG is working closely with the Committee’s chair, deputy chair, and rapporteur on refining the inquiry’s workplan in line with parliamentary good practice and the Iraqi local context.
Successful workshops on case management effectiveness
Our team also delivered two successful workshops with the Parliamentary Directorate’s Implementation Team and four Council of Representatives Offices (COROs) representing the governorates of Maysan, Karbala, Diyala, and Sulaymaniyah on designing a case management system to respond more effectively to the needs and concerns of citizens. The aim of those sessions was to develop a new system that would regulate the offices’ work in the governorates and strengthen the relationship between the Parliamentary Committees and the COROs.
Cooperation with Ministry of Justice extended until next year
Exciting news: the modern slavery project, in partnership with the government of Sudan, has extended its cooperation agreement through a Memorandum of Understanding until March 2022, signed by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice. This is a testament to the commitment of the partners involved in the work with GPG and continuing to advance the National Committee to Counter Trafficking (NCCT) national strategy to tackle human trafficking in Sudan.
The new government of Sudan is implementing unprecedented human rights reforms across the country, and the project to tackle modern slavery will continue to support our counterparts navigate this challenging time. The project continuation will cover a wide range of activities, from national and state coordination to awareness-raising campaigns on human trafficking and exploring the fallout of the pandemic on modern slavery in Sudan.
Global Partners Governance Foundation
Plans for extended work with the Uzbekistan Commission on Compliance with International Human Rights Obligations
In 2020-21, GPGF worked with the newly formed Uzbekistan Commission on Follow-up to and Compliance with International Human Rights Obligations, providing a programme of workshops and events designed to support the Commission in establishing its working practices, with a basis in international best practice. We are awaiting confirmation of an extension phase to this project which, if approved, would continue through rest of the 2021 calendar year. The aim would be to work with the Commission on scrutiny of a specific policy area.