Trevor Reaney

Former Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Assembly

Trevor Reaney served as Clerk and Chief Executive to the Northern Ireland Assembly from August 2008 until his retirement in June 2016. Before joining the Assembly, Trevor served as Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Policing Board from January 2004 and, prior to that, he held the post of Chief Executive of Craigavon Borough Council from 1996 to 2003. 


He has undertaken parliamentary strengthening and international development projects in Kosovo, Iraq, Rwanda, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Macedonia and Lebanon 

Trevor currently serves with a number of organisations including the Security Industry AuthorityNational Assembly for Wales Remuneration and the Police and National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body. He is also a trustee of an international development charity, Tree Aid.  

In the Queens Birthday Honours 2016, Trevor was awarded a CBE for services to democracy and the community in Northern Ireland.